Sunday, December 26, 2010

6 fastest days of the year.

I can't sleep. Christmas just ended almost 2 hours ago. It's now "officially" Sunday, which begins the 6 days of the year that disappear quicker than any other days on the calendar. I don't know where these days go, or why they go by so quickly, but looking back I can only remember a couple specific memories of things that happen between Christmas and New Year's Eve (I count New Year's Eve as one of the six because that day doesn't really become significant until it's almost over).

This year will be different. Maybe. As of right now the only thing on my schedule for the next six days is an 11 hour car ride home and a dentist appointment. I will make them significant, though. Maybe not with memories, but now is the time to make sure I'm geared up for the new year.

I always suck at resolutions. Probably because I either A) don't know what I should resolve or B) am not ready to start resolving yet. Usually what happens is I forget about them until January 3rd when somebody mentions one of their resolutions and then I make up a couple of quick ones on the spot. These never last very long. During the next 6 days my task is simple (... but maybe not easy): decide on some good New Year's Resolutions and prepare to do them.

People almost never accidently accomplish anything great that lasts. It has to be done on purpose. New Year's Resolutions are the perfect opportunity for me to get things in gear and to start to make good things happen.

6 days to go... Time to make them count.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A moment re-lived... and not a moment too soon.

It's 1:30 in the morning. At 5:30 in the morning I'll be headed with my family down to Mesa, Arizona to spend Christmas with my Grandparents. Definitely exciting. My family used to make this trip almost every winter from the time I was 10 until I was 18. It has been 6 years since I've been.

I used to hate this trip. When I was younger it was because of all the time in the car (11 hour trip). As I got older it was because of the time away from my friends. Now... I can't wait. I still don't love that I'll be in the back seat most of the way (I would much rather be driving), but I am very, very excited to go somewhere warm with my family and get out and spend some fun time on the road and visiting my grandparents. We don't take trips much, especially now that I don't live at home, so I guess this means a lot more to me now than it did ten years ago.

Grandma, Grandpa, I'm on my way.

P.S. Why am I up so late? I've learned a thing or two after all these years of making this trip. The drive goes by a LOT faster if I'm asleep for the first half of it :-) Good night, ya'lls.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Philosophical question of the night:

Here it is: If a robot from the future tried to kill you in the past... can you trust him to protect you in the present?